My student took these hilariously unflattering photographs of me the other day "Oh Captain My Captain"-ing out on my last day of teaching art at Indiana Youth Group--Indy's queer teen drop-in clubhouse--this year.
In my defense, these pictures document the award ceremony from the end of our 12 week session, so there was occasion to be especially expressive.
Certificates were awarded in student-invented categories including "Cutest Baby Gaylien" and "Most Annoying Asexual." I officially signed off on all awards.

Our ceremony included speeches, picture-snapping paparazzi (obviously), and a Roast of the Instructor.
(This lesson also provided an excuse to purchase this vintage gag award I've had my eye on to use as a visual aid/vital teaching tool.)

This has been my favorite teaching experience to date.
At its (temporary) conclusion, I would sweep the category of saddest, loudest teacher.
Hottest teacher